How to Use SEO to Increase Organic Search Rankings and Website Traffic

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a simple way to help your website get found by the people who are looking for it. SEO can be used for both smaller web pages and whole websites, but it's most commonly used with blogs, business websites, and ecommerce sites. Implementing SEO can be tricky if you don't know what you're doing—according to Montreal Best SEO Company in Montreal once you do, it's an invaluable tool!

In this article, we'll cover all aspects of SEO: how to optimize individual pages on your site so they rank higher in search engines and drive more traffic; how to write content that resonates with your target audience; how to use keywords effectively without going overboard; why long-tail keywords matter; how internal linking can help improve user experience across multiple sites or within the same site...and much more!

Boost Your Content

Content is king. It’s the foundation of SEO and drives traffic to your website. Content is what brings people to your site, keeps them on it, and gets shared across social media. According to Montreal SEO Company, content is also the primary way you can increase brand awareness and reputation. With the right content, you can grow your audience and build a powerful brand. So how do you create content that gets noticed? The answer is simple: write about what your audience cares about—and make sure it’s easy for them to find!

Optimize Your Titles and Meta Descriptions

The title and meta description are the first thing people will see on a search engine results page (SERP). This is when they decide whether or not to click through to your website, so it's important to optimize them for both search engines and humans.

To get started, create a short but descriptive title that includes keywords that people might be searching for. For example, if you were selling shoes online, you could use something like "Men's Shoes | Buy Now" as your title. In addition to being clear and accurate, this tells potential customers what type of product they'll find on this page—and also includes two keywords: "Men" and "shoes." The best part? It's easy for readers (both human and automated) to digest quickly!

Montreal SEO Company experts suggest that meta description is another great opportunity for optimization because it gives searchers an idea about what content awaits them once they click through from Google's SERP. This should be between 160-200 characters long (including spaces) so make sure yours passes those guidelines before publishing it online!


Write for Humans, Not Keywords

To optimize your website for search engines, you have to write for humans and not robots. When you're trying to rank in the SERPs (search engine results pages), it's important that the words and phrases on your page are ones that real people searching for what you offer would actually use as well—this is called "natural language." 

However, SEO Agency Montreal says that you should also write the content in such a way that it's optimized for search engines, which means including keywords and phrases. 

For example, if you're writing an article about how to install solar panels on your house, you'd want to include words like "how to" and "install solar panels."

Find Long-Tail Keywords

A long-tail keyword is a search term that incorporates multiple words. These keywords are more specific and targeted, which makes them more expensive to rank for—but they also tend to convert better.

This is because they're easier to target with specific content that's relevant to that user's needs. So if you sell organic deodorant, you may be able to rank for "pregnant women who want non-toxic deodorant," rather than just "non-toxic deodorant." This makes sense: people who have less competition will be easier (and cheaper) for Google's algorithm to determine what your page is about!

Build Internal Links

Use internal links to communicate the relationship between two pages on your website. This helps search engines understand how individual pages relate to one another, including the order in which you want them ranked, so they can better determine a page's relevance.

Internal links also make it easier for visitors to find content on your site by clicking through to other pages within your site instead of having to search the web from scratch with each visit.

As an added benefit, internal links improve user experience by making it faster and easier for people who land on one page of your website or blog post (which might not always be relevant) but would rather see something else related there first before searching elsewhere online again next time they visit.

Improve User Experience

Improving the user experience is a great way to increase your website traffic. When you make sure that people can easily navigate your site and find what they’re looking for, you are likely to retain more users and gain more organic search traffic as a result. To improve the user experience on your site:

  • Make navigation easy to use.
  • Use clear, concise language that is relevant to your target audience.
  • Ensure consistency from page-to-page by using the same design and layout throughout each page of the website, including colours or images used in logos or headers at the top of each page (like this one!).


SEO is an effective way to increase organic search rankings and website traffic. It's also a great way to generate leads for your business. With the right SEO strategy in place, you can increase your visibility on Google and other search engines, which will lead more people straight to your website or blog.



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